iso's directory(Does not have to be there just using it for ease of access and keeping things organized). This folder holds the current configuration for the emulator. Ok so assuming you have already configured your emulator to run a specific game with settings that only work for the game in question, go to the emulators root folder and there will be a folder named "inis". bat file or shortcut and some retro arcades such as Launch Box support using custom command-line parameters. So there are a couple different way's to do this, a. The one i will be focusing on with this tut is ("-cfgpath=" changes the configuration file path). Once the CMD window opens type "pcsx2 -help", a window containing all arguments will pop up. Ok so if you ever played an emulator and had to switch settings back and forth for different games that may require special fixes this should be useful to you This emulators command line options can be accessed by CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT-CLICK (in the emulators directory containing its.